Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Potter's Wheel Of Benares

Oh! The pot is everywhere!
Where there is buttermilk, in the cupboard, a pot
Where water is stored, at the waterstand a pot
Where food is kept, on the stove, a pot
Where there is jaggery, in the attic, a pot
In the heart of the home
As ëgotraji, ancestors, a pot
Vastu, during house warming,
At the threshold of each home, a pot
Where a marriage ëpandali is built, a pot
When the ëgarbai dance takes place,
In the courtyard a pot.
During sickness,
Left in the outskirts of the village, a pot
At every stop in a pilgrimage, a pot
In death, at the cremation ground, a pot
At a ëYagnai representing the planets are pots
In the village square, the singer plays a beat on a pot
                ~ Parkriti: The Oral Tradition
     Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Mud glasses under the scorching Sun..@Dhulipur, Varanasi
Miniature Mud Art
Kulhad Chai an ectasy!
Malai in Matka... Benares Special!
Maati Kahe Kumhar se, tu kya rondhe mohe
Ek din aisa aayega, mein rondhugi tohe
                                      ~Kabir Das (15CE)
Livelihood on wheels- a potter engaged in his daily work at Dhulipur, Varanasi
The potter turned to knead the clay
And heard it say:
Be not too proud thou
Tho’ you may shape me now
A time will come when it will be me
That shapes and kneads thee

(The clay kneading the potter refers to the body returning to the earth after death)

Philosopher in the Potter 
Also it is famously written as

"Guru Kumhar Sikh Kumbh Hai, Gadh Gadh Kadhe Khot
Antar Hath Sahar De, Bahar Bahe Chot "

which means that Guru is the Potter, disciple is the (unbaked) pot
Gives Shape and cures the flaws with care Protecting (always) with palm from inside While pounding the pot from outside.

1 comment:

  1. As always, lucid way of presenting. Beautifully brought out the philosopher in a potter. Beautiful and interesting. Will be waiting eagerly for more such articles :)
